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Take a break

This morning the sky looked almost normal over the ocean. The colors were almost right. But the fires haven’t stopped raging, threatening...

Coffee, anyone?

Just when I was “settling in” to life in a pandemic, if that is possible, I wake up to a cappuccino-colored sky. There are fires burning...

Fog and Sun

These pictures were taken almost exactly 24 hours apart, at different points along my usual morning walk. Do you have a favorite? I love...

Altitude adjustment

The dust on the shoes is from the previous day’s hike. Took this yesterday just off the road above Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe. Katrina and I...


Hummingbirds seem to particularly like Mexican Bush Sage. We have several shrubs in our yard and it is a daily wonder to see the birds...

Messy again

I was surprised when I got to the beach this morning by just how much stuff had washed up on the beach overnight. And I started thinking...

Silver linings

This year, more than most, I’ve been looking back in my photos to see where I was a year ago (or two, or five). On this day last year we...


There were so many potential blog posts this morning. The sound of my hood as I walked in the rain. The sun peeking through the clouds,...


Waves Breathing Waves of grief Waves of birth Waves of hope Creation groaning Breathe in time with the pain Mothers and midwives What is...

Year of Wonders

I took this picture one year ago, almost to the minute. Melvin and I had flown in for a whirlwind 40 hours or so - 2 overnights, 2...

An inch of beauty

I would have missed this tiny crab entirely had it not been scurrying across the sand. When it sensed me, it simply stopped. Too far to...


I took this picture a couple of evenings ago. I am more a sunrise person than sunset, most of the time, but an evening walk sounded good....


No, I am not feeling crabby today. But I know how you all like the photos, and I took this one this morning. It is rare to get such a...


I’ve been feeling a little blue this week. And the skies are gray, which if you know me at all you know doesn’t help my mood! But the...


There is something special about Monday mornings here. Weekends bring more people to the shore, and it is always nice to get out walking...


The famed “June gloom” has arrived here on the peninsula. I think this is what people warned us about when they said summers are foggy...


Some days it's distance, other days it's balance. As in, balancing on slippery rocks at low tide in order to see these beauties up close....


"But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." Amos 5:24 I took this picture last year - it is...


"Fish cannot drown in water, birds cannot sink in air, gold cannot perish in the refiner's fire. This has God given to all creatures: to...


I almost missed these guys this morning, but I always glance over because they're often there. As I approached, the seal on the right...

Blog: Blog2
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