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"Fish cannot drown in water, birds cannot sink in air, gold cannot perish in the refiner's fire. This has God given to all creatures: to foster and seek their own nature." (Mechthild of Magdeburg, 13th century)

I invite you to take a few minutes to really look at this sea urchin shell. I found it just above the waveline this morning as I arrived at the beach; when I left, it had been washed away. What is the nature of a sea urchin? In life, they have sharp spines and you can't see this structure underneath. Once the animal dies, though, the spines fall off and this beautifully colored and textured shell remains.

Nature testifies to the imagination of the Creator. Daily, if we allow ourselves to notice, we can be reminded of the great care with which God creates. Just as we delight when others enjoy what we create, God must delight in us when we delight in creation - when we take time to seek the unique nature of animals, plants, rocks, seas, and people. As we contemplate all that God creates, we gain greater understanding of the nature of God. And the more we understand of God, the more we can understand our own true nature -- we who are created in God's own image.

What do you notice today? Take time to look more closely. It is an act of worship to do so.

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