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“For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light.” Luke 8:17

Spiderwebs are hard to see, normally. But this week’s combination of ash and moisture has made them visible. They’ve got me thinking about the meaning of “apocalypse.” It is often used to mean universal or widespread destruction or disaster. But in Greek it means revelation - the unveiling of something not previously known. Which can be kind of the same thing.

Our world feels apocalyptic right now, in both senses. Pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes. Social unrest and deep political divides. These things are not just what they are. They are symptoms - the unveiling of deeper, even more difficult, problems. We are not in balance. Not with creation, nor with our siblings on this planet. The problems have existed for a long, long time. And now seeing them is unavoidable, even for the most committed ostriches.

There are no easy answers. Blame is not a solution. We cannot go back to a time that was, whether it existed in reality or only in the imagination.

How will the apocalypse end? In fire and flood and bloodshed and destruction? Or in reconnection and reconciliation and flourishing of creation and creatures?

We are not powerless. For what are we praying? For what are we working? The prophets‘ call has been the same through the ages. Repent, and return to the Lord. Let us turn our hearts and minds and bodies away from the forces of destruction and dedicate ourselves anew to the force of love.

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