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The Tragedy of the Commons

This family of geese must be nesting near Crespi Pond - the pond at the edge of the golf course here in Pacific Grove, on the other side of the street from the ocean. Normally, I prefer to walk along the shore, as you know, but today I crossed the street and made my way home via the golf course. Which is closed to golfers. I went that way because the shore is just too crowded to walk easily keeping social distancing.

In the earlier weeks of the pandemic, it seemed to me that people were quite conscious of social distancing, wearing masks, veering off the trail when passing, etc. The last week or so, if I didn’t get a walk in early in the morning, there have been too many people ignoring the recommendations. Yes, it is beautiful out, and it is a gorgeous place to walk. So why not wear a mask, watch where you are going, pay attention to others, so that we can all continue to enjoy?

Yesterday we drove by Lover’s Point Beach and were appalled at how crowded it was. So I was not surprised to find out this morning that it has been closed due to lack of social distancing. It was avoidable, if only we could control ourselves and remember that we are part of something bigger than ourselves and our own desires.

I was happy to take the path less traveled today. I got to see baby ducks and geese, so many tiny flowers, a different viewpoint of the ocean. I was happy to let others have a turn enjoying the rocky shore. I just hope enough others are willing to share that more of the coast is not closed.

Our congregation is reading the Acts of the Apostles this Easter season. One thing that always strikes me when I read it is that the apostles held everything in common, selling their own property and sharing the proceeds, making sure everyone had enough. Even in that community, though, there were some who held back, afraid they would not have enough, or not trusting the apostles to distribute it fairly.

We make choices every day. Many of those choices affect others. As we choose, let us choose to care for one another, and our common good, rather than just for ourselves. It will benefit us all.

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