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Spring is Coming (?)

See those shadows of the flowers? That was a sunny moment. We have not had enough of those lately, and it is getting me down. Not only clouds, but seemingly endless rain and powerful winds have made this winter hard. We're tired. I'm tired. And as I write, it is blustery and cold and ugh.

Sometimes naming a thing gives us some power over it. Stopping to identify the source of my fatigue or anxiety is the first step in loosing its hold on me. What is going on with you that is making you anxious, edgy, or tired? Name it.

I don't have a one-size-fits-all solution. But I do have photos and memories of sunny days, times of ease and joy. They remind me that no season of life lasts forever - not the best ones, and not the worst ones. Spring is coming, the flowers tell me so. It may not be as quickly as I would like, but it is coming.

Secure in that knowledge, I'm going to make a cup of tea and settle in with a good book while the storm does its thing. If you're feeling not quite yourself, take a minute and do something restorative. You'll feel better and those around you will thank you, too.

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