“Come to me, all you who are heavy-laden, and I will refresh you.” These words of Jesus washed over me this morning. I am so grateful for the softness of a foggy morning. I need more softness in my life. Less yelling. Less anger. Less noise. Mostly, less anger. What is everyone so angry about and why can we not stop yelling at each other? It does no good.
I find my own volume going up when I feel a lack of control, anxiety, and existential dread. But I have found that when I am able to remember Jesus’ words, I can be quieter, inside and out. Come to me, and I will refresh you.
Wishing you all a moment of softness, of quiet, so that you can be refreshed. Remember you are loved infinitely by the One who creates all things and makes all things new. Cling to that truth.