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Nurturing Expectation

It feels like a long time since there was sunshine for my morning walk. And you know how I get when I don't get enough sun! Still, I go out every morning. And there is always some surprise. Today, I had the pleasure of watching a bunch of seals jumping and swimming together, and it made me so joyful. They were graceful and sleek and it felt like a gift.

There were several groups of pelicans flying in formation. I stopped once, admiring them, and another walker passing me said "what a gift!" Took the words right out of my mouth and made me smile.

The sky was not uniformly gray, but had brighter spots. And the waves were big enough that the gray-blue water had white where the waves were breaking.

It's always fun to look at the amazing variety of plant life, and I learned a new one this week - coyote brush (thanks Helen) when I sent a picture of an enormous banana slug to my family.

This morning felt different because rather than being sad about the cloud cover I actually was curious what I would see, knowing there would be something to celebrate. And there was. That change in attitude felt good. And that good feeling lasted all day, until lunchtime when it was surpassed by actual sun shining on me as I ate. You just never know what to expect.

So expect something magical. It's more fun than expecting a downer. And in my experience, you're rarely disappointed.

What has delighted you today?

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