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Father and child, on "the rock" in Monaco

Today we remember Joseph, the man who, with Mary, raised Jesus. This was certainly not part of his life plan; in fact, when he found out she was pregnant he "planned to dismiss her quietly." But an angel came to him in a dream and told him not to be afraid, that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit, not another man, and that Jesus would save people from their sins. So Joseph married her and the rest, as they say, is history.

We who are familiar with this story don't really think about the enormity of it all. Take a moment to consider the whole dream angel thing. In Luke's Gospel, the angel comes to Mary, and not in a dream. In Matthew's Gospel, the angel comes to Joseph twice -- first to tell him to go ahead and marry Mary, then, after Jesus is born, to tell him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt because Herod is killing babies. Both Mary and Joseph listen to the angels, and agree to do what God is asking.

What kinds of conversations do you think Mary and Joseph had?

Do you think they had disagreements on how to raise Jesus?

Jesus was a boy. As a baby, he needed to be held, and fed, and loved. As a child, I imagine he followed his dad around and imitated him, just like any child does. Climbing on his lap, trying on his shoes, picking up his tools. Joseph and Mary taught Jesus as most parents teach any child. They knew he was special, but most parents think their children are special. Because each child is special. Luckily, Jesus was raised in a time and place when getting into the right college was not the overriding consideration. (What would be the best college to prepare one to be Savior of the world, anyway?)

For me, to celebrate Joseph is to celebrate Jesus' personhood. To remember that he grew up in first-century Palestine, part of a family, a village. These were the people and this was the place that formed him, as much as any person is formed by the circumstances of their birth and upbringing. Joseph must have done OK as a father, don't you think?

Let us pray: Gracious God, we give you thanks for Joseph, who said "yes" with Mary and raised Jesus as his own son. We ask that you guide and strengthen all parents, that they may raise children who know they are loved and are in turn able to spread love in the world. Amen.

Stained glass of Joseph's dream, Nazareth

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