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Today is the feast of the Epiphany, when we celebrate the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, remembering the wise ones who followed the star to find Jesus.

According to the Gospel of Matthew, they came to Jerusalem and asked “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.” They were directed to Bethlehem, where “they found him with Mary, his mother, and they knelt and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts.”

To pay homage is to acknowledge oneself as a vassal of a lord. These wise ones had traveled from a distant land to acknowledge this baby-King who would never rule their native land, but would forever rule their hearts.

The greatest gift they gave Jesus was not gold, or frankincense, or myrrh. It was returning to their land by another road, instead of returning to Jerusalem to tell Herod where to find the baby. As sworn vassals of Jesus, they could do no other.

I think about power a lot. Who claims to have it. Who actually has it. How it is used. How it is misused. Today, I adore the Christ child with the wise ones from a faraway land. I kneel at the cradle and say “let me serve only you.” Let me understand the power of love, the power of vulnerability, the power of solidarity with this one who empties himself for us. And let me take a new road home and share what I learn with all those I meet.

(photo: stained glass window at St. Mary’s by the Sea, depicting the wise ones - including a wise woman).

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