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The colors were so amazing today in the bright sun - the deep blues of sea and sky, the brown hues of the rocks, and the green of shrubs, grasses, and flowering plants. The green really got me thinking, because on June 1 the church enters the long, green season after Pentecost called “ordinary time.”

What to say about ordinary time in this extraordinary time? That it is a time to focus on growth, like green things do. It is a time to grow, and bloom, and spread, and store up energy for the inevitable winter to come.

There is no time to waste! This pandemic has altered so many of our habits already; if we think of ourselves as plants, we can imagine that we have been replanted in bigger pots or better soil. After the initial shock has worn off, we can continue to grow in size and strength. Our roots, once bound, are free to deepen, seeking nourishment. Our limbs can spread, and we can bear new fruit.

We won’t be able to go back to our old pots once the pandemic is over. We will have grown too much. How wonderful to imagine!

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