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For the fun of it

On a gray day (we've had enough now, thank you), any pop of color catches my attention. So I was happy this mossy chiton was upside down - and empty! From the top it is brown and a little shaggy around the edges. But underneath, these beautiful teal interlocking shells delight the eye.

These critters always remind me that everything and everyone contains beauty. Everything and everyone reveals something of the One who dreamed it into being. There's a line in the psalm we prayed on Sunday: "there is that Leviathin, which you have made for the sport of it."

Our creator creates for joy, for delight, for fun! And when we notice, we complete the circle. It's like God has set up a treasure hunt and is just waiting for us to discover all the wonderful treasures. Some are out in plan sight. Others require a little more time and perseverance to find.

When you encounter beauty, give thanks! And when you encounter something or someone that seems to lack beauty, remember it is there, and take time to find it.

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