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Day 4 of 2022, and I was feeling tired and sluggish this morning. As I was having my coffee and playing my word games, I checked the weather; a slight chance of rain. Maybe I'd skip the walk. I know it's the best way to start a day, though, so I went out. Immediately I saw the hint of a rainbow ahead of me. It got brighter and fainter and I hurried along in the hopes it wouldn't disappear before I reached the shore. As you can see, it did not.

This week we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, when travelers from the east arrived in Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn baby Jesus, the prince of peace. They followed a star that guided them to the right place. And they found joy.

Whether it is a star, or a rainbow, or an unseen hope, what is enticing you today? What is nudging you outside, or out of your comfort zone? Follow it, and see.

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