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Fog Banks

The fog is coming in and I am not for it. But it did make me think this morning about the choice we have in every situation. The choice of where to focus. We can focus on the looming fog bank or on the sunshine we are currently enjoying. We can worry about how much time we have left to enjoy the sun or we can be grateful for every moment of it.

There is always the equivalent of a fog bank out there in our lives, right? Whether we can see it or not we often fear what is coming next. But if it's going to come, it's going to come, and worry and dread will neither keep it away nor avert it. Basking in the sun while it lasts, storing up those memories of warmth and light and goodness - that will carry us through the foggy times.

(P.S. as you have no doubt noticed, this blog is not on any kind of schedule. I write when inspiration strikes in a certain way. Lately it feels like more of my inspiration has been channeled into my sermons. If that's your gig, and you're curious, let me know if you need help finding them. If it's not, just continue to be surprised when one of these pops up. Thanks for reading!)

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