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Today’s photo is brought to you by a detour. Out on the path, I often see other folks out walking. Sometimes they step off the path to let me pass (I always wear a mask, do not fear). Sometimes I step off the path so they can pass. When I see someone approaching, if there is a path down to the beach I usually take it. Because it is not a hardship for me to do so - I often find unexpected joy. Today my detour brought me here, where I paused for a moment to take in a different view. The colors are so vibrant today.

How great would it be if, whenever possible, we watched for the folks coming towards us and thought of them and what we can do to keep them safe. Love in action looks like wearing masks, like being mindful to keep at least 6 feet of distance, like waiting a moment to let someone else pass, like signaling your intentions so others might plan appropriately.

When we act in love in these ways, we can find unexpected joy.

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