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Just a quick note. I woke up this morning to the news of another mass shooting. I am so tired of reading "authorities are looking for a motive." Who cares? Whatever the motive, if the person didn't have a gun, a lot fewer people would be hurt or dead. OK. But that is on top of news this week about Duante Wright and Adam Toledo, 20 and 13 respectively, killed by police. Truly, the news is horrifying and should carry a "read at your own risk" label.

As my heart was racing and my mind started spinning, my body reminded me to get out and walk. It has become such a habit, which is a really good thing because I just do it. I lace up my shoes, put on my hat, grab my mask, and head out the door. In less than 10 minutes I was at the shore, and the rhythm of walking, the sounds of the ocean and the birds, the sights of flowers and rocks and people walking dogs started to do its magic. My anxiety went down. I still couldn't solve any of the world's problems, but I resolved to do one thing today. I will give money to an organization that works for common-sense gun laws. That is one thing I can do, right now.

And on the way home, I leaned down to get something out of my shoe, and when I looked up, this amazing creature was staring at me from about 15 feet away. We looked at each other for a long time. We live in this world. Some things we can't control, some things we can. Let's be clear about which is which. And let's each do one thing today that is in our control that will contribute to the world becoming a better place.

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