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This morning I was reminded that we get to choose what we listen to - and that choice is so important for how we feel and how we approach our days and our life.

It is a glorious morning and as I was taking my usual walk I heard birdsong (so many birds!) and bees, the crunch of my shoes on the gravel path, the quiet crash of waves, and the “good mornings” and “thank yous” and “have a nice days” from others along the way. Connection and peace.

And so it was jarring to me on the way home when I heard angry voices. It jolted me out of my reverie and immediately raised my anxiety. Oh, yes, all is not right with the world.

Although in many ways we are distanced from each other, we are never completely distanced from each other or this pandemic reality. The anxiety in our world that was present before the pandemic is even greater now. And so it is more important than ever how we choose to spend our “free” time, choosing activities that feed us with love and peace and a sense of connection, rather than those that make us anxious and angry. When we are peaceful, we spread peace, and when we are anxious, we spread anxiety. The greater the anxiety around us, the more our peace is needed as a counterweight.

This is not to add to anyone’s sense of “great, one more thing I need to worry about.” If you are maxed out, take a deep breath. If you need help, even just a kind word, reach out. And if you have a little extra peace to spare today, share it. You never know who needs it.

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