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Change is hard

The tree (trunk) you see here is what remains from what I called the magical tree at the end of our street. For weeks I have been awed by the proliferation of hummingbirds and monarch butterflies that have enjoyed beautiful pink blossoms.

One morning, returning from the shore, I found tree trimmers whacking all the limbs off. I was stunned. I wonder what happened to the creatures who had made that tree home, or at least a buffet table. I was sad and angry. It felt like wanton destruction and I did not see the purpose.

I still don’t know why it was trimmed, but I am moving through anger to curiosity. There are a few sprigs still - how quickly will they grow? What new life will spring up, from this remnant or from other nearby trees and shrubs?

We cannot control what happens, most of the time, but we can control our response. Let’s not dwell on what was, living in resentment and anger. We don‘t have to like the change, but we can try to make peace with it. Curiosity can help us focus on the future. Let’s expect something as wonderful as what we have loved.

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