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All the Saints

The sky was pretty amazing this morning. Layer upon layer of clouds, with the light peeking through here and there. Kind of like layers of time, with eternity shooting through.

It's the feast of All Saints, when we in the church celebrate (you guessed it) all the saints. This is never more real to me than when I stand at the altar voicing the eucharistic prayer. "Therefore we praise you, joining with angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven who forever sing this hymn to the glory of your name." As we join in singing "Holy, holy, holy Lord" we are transported from our space and time to the presence of God, to eternity, in the company of all who have gone before and all who will come after. It is that moment of unity when we know ourselves to be loved. To be in the presence of love. To be called to love.

"Heaven and earth are full of your glory." Indeed. So often, we are distracted from the glory and majesty that surround us by our mundane concerns. As we look to the skies on this feast day, we can remember that our days are but a breath. We are part of something inconceivably bigger than ourselves. Yet each of us is unique and takes our own place in the communion of saints.

Who are the saints who inspire you? And to whom might you be an inspiration? On whose shoulders do you stand, and who might stand on your shoulders? Take some time today to give thanks, and to wonder.

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