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I don't think this one small lemon will make much lemonade, but it's the best I've got today. I was on vacation last week, visiting a dear friend - we had not seen each other since summer 2019 and it was so great to spend long hours walking and talking. Until it was just the talking, since I fell and sprained my ankle. Bummer!

I'm healing, but if you follow this blog you know how addicted I am to my morning walks along the shore. And I'm still not up for that. Luckily, there is this beautiful little lemon on my deck, and the blossoms promise that more are coming (if I can remember to water). The yellow against the greens and blues, all brightened by the sun, reminds me that there is always something to see. Always something to appreciate. Always something to hope for.

So today I am grateful for many things. For dear friends and deep conversations. For people who send me pictures of beauty they are finding. For the sun that brightens and warms me. For lemons, and the promise of lemonade.

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